
Spinal Cord Simulator

Pain & Spine Specialists in Dallas and Carrollton, TX
Spinal Cord Simulator

Spinal Cord Simulator services offered in Dallas and Carrollton, TX

If you suffer from chronic pain, a spinal cord stimulator (SCS) can provide lasting relief and help you return to your favorite activities. At his practice in Dallas and Carrollton, Texas, double board-certified pain management specialist Mohammed Shaikh, MD, and his team use spinal cord stimulation to treat chronic pain conditions that don’t respond to other, less invasive approaches. A spinal cord stimulator can help block pain signals from reaching your brain and relieve uncomfortable symptoms. Call today to request a consultation, or make your appointment online.

Spinal Cord Simulator Q&A

What is a spinal cord stimulator?

A spinal cord stimulator (SCS) is an implantable medical device that treats chronic neck or back pain. The SCS emits low-level electrical impulses to stimulate your spinal cord. The impulses block pain signals from reaching your brain, reducing discomfort and restoring range of motion.

What types of pain can benefit from a spinal cord stimulator?

Dr. Shaikh and his team use spinal cord stimulators to treat chronic back and neck pain that doesn’t improve with conservative treatments. You might be a candidate if you have:

  • Sciatica
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathy
  • Herniated disc

You may also benefit from spinal cord stimulation if you have failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS) or back pain that continues even after spine surgery.  

Can I benefit from a spinal cord stimulator?

Dr. Shaikh usually recommends conservative and minimally invasive treatments, such as chiropractic care, physical therapy, and corticosteroid injections, to relieve back and neck pain. If your pain continues, worsens, or keeps you from regular activities, you may qualify for an SCS.

Dr. Shaikh reviews your medical records and completes a physical exam. If he thinks you might benefit, he orders a spinal cord stimulator trial, allowing you to test the appliance for 5-7 days. If you experience lasting pain relief during the trial, he schedules an implant placement procedure.

What does getting a spinal cord stimulator involve?

Dr. Shaikh implants your spinal cord stimulator during an outpatient procedure at a nearby hospital or surgical facility. On the day of your operation, you lie facedown on an operating table, and he administers general anesthesia, causing you to fall asleep. 

Dr. Shaikh makes several small incisions near your spine and carefully inserts the spinal cord stimulator and attached electrodes through your muscle tissue. He creates another small space nearby and implants a pulse generator device.

The generator connects to the spinal cord stimulator and emits low-level electrical pulses whenever you press a battery-powered remote. These impulses prevent pain signals from reaching your brain, relieving discomfort and restoring your range of motion.

Whenever you experience pain throughout the day, simply click the button on your remote. Some musculoskeletal conditions require frequent electrical stimulation; others benefit from periodic impulses spaced hours apart. 

Call the office near you today to see if you can benefit from spinal cord stimulation or make your appointment online.