
About Mohammed Shaikh MD PA

Pain & Spine Specialists in Dallas and Carrollton, TX

Double board-certified pain management specialist Mohammed Shaikh, MD, and his team provide comprehensive and integrative pain management services to teens and adults in Dallas and Carrollton, Texas, and throughout Dallas and Tarrant counties.

The conveniently located offices offer access to the latest minimally invasive treatments and therapies for musculoskeletal problems like back, neck, knee, and shoulder pain, sciatica, and herniated discs.

Dr. Shaikh and his team take a holistic and patient-centered approach to pain management. Instead of relying on prescription medications that simply mask symptoms, they work with each patient to develop custom care plans that reduce inflammation, encourage independence, and enhance mobility.

What sets the practice apart is a commitment to patient education and empowerment. The team ensures patients understand their condition and treatment options. Communication and collaboration are priorities throughout the treatment process.

This is one of the few practices in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex that offer dorsal root ganglion therapy, sacroiliac joint fusion, and occipital and spinal cord stimulators.

The practice also emphasizes healthy lifestyle changes and routine checkups to provide patients with lasting pain relief and positive treatment outcomes. 

Call the office near you today to request a new patient consultation or book your appointment online.