
Knee Pain

Pain & Spine Specialists in Dallas and Carrollton, TX
Knee Pain

Knee Pain services offered in Dallas and Carrollton, TX

Knee pain can affect your mobility and keep you from the activities you love. At his practice in Dallas and Carrollton, Texas, double board-certified pain management specialist Mohammed Shaikh, MD, and his team take a personalized and minimally invasive approach to treat knee pain. Using the latest evidence-based techniques, they can relieve uncomfortable symptoms and speed up your body‘s natural healing process. Call today to receive treatment for knee pain, or make your appointment online.

Knee Pain Q&A

What causes knee pain?

Knee pain happens for various reasons, including injuries, structural problems, and diseases. Minor knee pain often improves with rest, ice, and elevation, but if your symptoms continue or worsen, it’s crucial to identify the underlying cause.

Dr. Shaikh and his team understand everyone experiences knee pain differently. Instead of simply trying to mask the symptoms, they create personalized care plans that address your specific needs and goals.

What are the symptoms of knee pain?

Common symptoms of knee pain include:

  • Difficulty bending or straightening your knee
  • Popping or crunching noises
  • Weakness and instability
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Swelling and stiffness

Depending on the severity of the pain, you might be unable to put weight on your affected knee.

Should I see a pain management specialist about knee pain?

Make an appointment with Dr. Shaikh and his team if you have knee pain that lasts more than a few days. That’s especially true if the pain occurs alongside significant swelling, a visible abnormality (like a bulge or a bump), or fever. 

How is knee pain diagnosed?

Dr. Shaikh reviews your medical records, asks about your symptoms, and examines your knee. He checks your joint for swelling, redness, or visible bruising and sees how far you can move your leg in different directions.

He gently presses on your knee joint and the surrounding tissue, checking the integrity of the bones and other structures inside your knee.

If Dr. Shaikh suspects an underlying problem, like a fracture or a dislocated joint, he orders X-rays, an ultrasound, or a CT scan. These procedures can identify injuries to your hard or soft tissues and help guide treatment.

How is knee pain treated?

Dr. Shaikh and his team treat knee pain with conservative and integrative therapies. They may recommend one or more of the following:

  • Physical therapy
  • Joint injections
  • Bracing
  • Radiofrequency ablation
  • Peripheral nerve stimulation
  • Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy
  • Stem cell therapy
  • Other regenerative procedures

Depending on the severity of your knee pain, it could take multiple treatments to achieve lasting relief. Dr. Shaikh and his team believe that it’s possible to overcome knee pain and get back to the activities you love with the right approach and support.

Call the office near you today to receive treatment for knee pain, or make your appointment online.