

Pain & Spine Specialists in Dallas and Carrollton, TX

Kyphoplasty services offered in Dallas and Carrollton, TX

If you have a vertebral compression fracture caused by osteoporosis or a traumatic injury, minimally invasive kyphoplasty can prevent further damage and restore your range of motion. At his practice in Dallas and Carrollton, Texas, double board-certified pain management specialist Mohammed Shaikh, MD, and his team have extensive experience performing minimally invasive kyphoplasty using the latest technologies and techniques. Call today to request a kyphoplasty consultation or make your appointment online.

Kyphoplasty Q&A

What is kyphoplasty?

Kyphoplasty is a minimally invasive procedure that repairs a vertebral compression fracture –– small cracks in the spinal column. Repairing vertebrae damage reduces pain, improves mobility, and prevents other complications.

Who is a candidate for kyphoplasty?

You may benefit from kyphoplasty if you have back or neck pain caused by a vertebral compression fracture. That’s especially true if you have osteoporosis –– a medical condition that causes your bones to become weak or brittle.

How do I prepare for kyphoplasty?

Before recommending kyphoplasty, Dr. Shaikh completes a preoperative exam. He reviews your medical records, orders X-rays of your spine, and conducts bloodwork. 

Let Dr. Shaikh know about any prescription medications and supplements you take. He may ask you to stop taking certain drugs, like blood thinners, to prevent complications during surgery. 

The night before your procedure, fast for at least eight hours, drinking only water.

What does kyphoplasty involve?

Kyphoplasty is an outpatient procedure Dr. Shaikh completes at a nearby hospital or surgical facility.

On the day of your operation, you change into a gown and lie facedown on an operating table. Dr. Shaikh administers a general anesthetic, causing you to fall asleep. Then, he carefully inserts a hollow needle into your damaged vertebra.

He uses fluoroscopy, a type of X-ray, to guide the needle into position. He then inserts a balloon-like device through the needle and inflates the balloon, restoring your vertebra to its near-original condition. 

Dr. Shaikh then fills your vertebra with bone cement, removes the needle, and moves you to a recovery room.

What is recovery like after kyphoplasty?

It takes several hours for the anesthetic to wear off, so you need someone to drive you home. You can return to work and other normal activities the next day but avoid heavy lifting for at least six weeks. 

Some people experience significant pain relief a day or two after surgery. Be patient, follow Dr. Shaikh’s recovery instructions, and attend your follow-up visits. 

Is kyphoplasty safe?

Kyphoplasty is safe and presents few risks. As with all surgeries, there’s a chance of infection, bleeding, and increased pain, but these side effects are rare. 

If you have osteoporosis, kyphoplasty won’t necessarily prevent future compression fractures. Dr. Shaikh may recommend supplements or prescription medication to strengthen your bones.

Call the office near you today to see if you might benefit from kyphoplasty, or book your appointment online.